Let's get in formation
The rest day was over too soon. I awoke more tired than I had been before I rested! I'm not sure how much of that is due to staying up...
Jambo Kenya!
So we are back on the road well and truly now, and also back online. With our crossing into Kenya we were reintroduced to internet,...
The day the Ethiopian PM Resigned
Thursday 15 Feb Chasing the shade we balance our camp chairs on the uneven ground of our bush camp. Halfway through our second game of...
Back on the bike!
Wed 21st feb After one day of riding in the last eight it is with some trepidation that I boarded my bike this morning. We breakfasted...
Touristing in the Omo Valley
Tuesday 20th feb An army of land cruisers bouncing across the dirt track. Windows open a crack, protecting against the dust, creating a...
Please turn the page
We have finished the first page of the tour schedule. Before the tour started we received a three page schedule, outlining the distances...
Lunchtime Lockdown
Feb 12th 107km from Italian Bridge Camp to Addis. The cycle into rest days is often tedious/a bizarre affair, for me anyway. Today we...
Cycling at the Speed of Flies
Feb 10th So yesterday we cycled the legend that is the Blue Nile Gorge. I have been aware of it since meeting Marty about 6 weeks before...
Coffee, Hippos and Monastries
9th Feb Bahir Dar feels like a bigger and more commercial city compared to Gondar. The hotel that the tour stayed in (Bib Ambessa) was...
Dressing Local
7th Feb There is a costume party tonight, the theme is “Local Dress”. I wanted to dress up as donkey, we see alot of them - not very easy...