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Just Keep Pedalling

Pedal pedal pedal.  Are we there yet.  Pedal pedal pedal.  Get bored.  Get angry.  Pedal pedal pedal.  Stop for lunch at 9,30.  Pedal pedal pedal.  Up a hill.  Down a hill.  Up a hill.  Down a hill.

Another 150km today,  Very much like yesterday although instead of continuous low grade incline, it was allegedly downhill.  Although it was an undulating downhill in which the net elevation is a loss, although you are still going up and over rollers.  Cycled with Jenna and Steph once again.  Really enjoying our threesome still.  Craig named us the Spice Girls yesterday  We are ok with this, gives a bit of girl power without feeling sexist.

David and Alistair cycled together and had a recovery day after their two hard days previously.  Lunch came at 9,30am.  A smorgasbord of chocolate flavoured spreads much to my delight and disappointment.  Cadbury Crunchie Chocolate spread, Choconut home branch, and Nutella.  Choconut is the sweetest, Crunchie is ok but most calorific, I think Nutella wins the vote.  Pineapple and Watermelon as well as the usual sandwiches and last nights leftovers.  Essentally an excess of food given that breakfast was only a few hours ago.  Two dutch girls were at lunch, they are also cycling to Cape Town, although self supported and arriving a month after us.

Finally reached Livingstone, at about 12.30.  

Stopped at an ATM on the way in.  Spent about 50USD so far, got another 50 out. 

Usually stay in the room on the rest days.  I enjoy having personal space, being able to get my stuff out, being dry, having power, and also not having to pack a bag to go to the shower room!  Just being able to walk into and out of the shower, without thinking 'Right, Ill take a towel, shampoo, conditioner, what clothes will I wear after - ill take them too....'.  However we are staying at Victoria Falls Waterfront and the rooms are over 100USD a night, it's dry and I can take the tent.  David and I did go and scout out the situation, they have tents with beds for 40USD a night.  He has taken one for the last three.  I might splash out for the last night, but not all four. 

Beerlypics planned for this evening. Jenna is organising them.  She has decided she wants to grown ups to drink like college kids - not this sit around talking and drinking malarchy...but Flip Cup, Boat Race, Dizzy Bat and Slap Cup (maybe?).  Harriet gave us a lift to the supermarket to buy alcohol for it - I also stocked up on apples, toothpaste, water, chocolate (obis) and raisins.  The essentials.

This afternoon there was another  Bike Dontation Ceremony by the TDA Foundation.  This ceremony was more of a celebration, with local dance performances from one of the schools.  There were men playing drums,and then four men and four women dancing. 

 It is such a difference style of dance to our own, and the womans ability to move their hips while keeping the rest of their body still is something none of us could replicate!  Mitch and Lesa were good sports and when pulled up on stage did their own interpretation. Good on them.  There was also a spot prize drawer at the ceremony.  I won a 45USD zipline at Vic Falls bridge, will do that tomorrow as Marty and Don are planning on doing a bungee there.

Hotel location amazing.  Right on the Zambezi river, with Vic Falls and Zimbabwe border about 7km away. Downsides are paying for the internet - per 20 or 45mins, which I have come to expect to be included in the price of accomodation....even if I am camping; extortionate laundry price ($1 for a pair of socks); and monkeys which enter my tent and invade my stuff.  So far they have dressed themselves in my pillowcase, which was hanging on the washing line, opened up my shopping bag and tried to get into a bottle of cider, and climbed all over my tent....before chasing me 10m across the campsite when I approached them.  The intern was bitten by another one, so is going for a rabies shot tomorrow.

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